MORE About Me:

A little bit about me… I have been doing photography since 2007 when my parents got me my first digital camera. It was a Kodak digital camera. Yes, Kodak…back in the day when Kodak tried something to survive in the ever changing camera world. But since then, I have been refining my tradecraft, taking my ambition and self more seriously, and improving my abilities as a photographer. It was through photography that I was able to truly engage into people lives and the environment around me. Whether that was being invited into events where otherwise I wouldn’t be invited, see things that I wouldn’t get the chance to see, be in places that only a select few are only allowed to enter, and see the world in a way that others cannot see. Photography, for me, is an outlet when days are dull or when special moments should last longer than our memories. Sure, I have taken my work to next level by professionalizing what I do but creativity doesn’t have a profession but it is what we do with creativity that dictates the quality and uniqueness of our profession. Quality and Uniqueness is what I hope to bring to you when you look through this website or gracious enough to purchase my work. Thank you and stay inspired.